Band - Children of Bodom
Alexi Laiho has used the Lee Jackson GP-1000 Preamp and Marshall JCM 800 cabinets (with Celestion speakers) and various power amps for most of his career but has recently started using the Kerry King Signature Marshall head. He first used an Ibanez RG 220B to record the first Children of Bodom record and eventually switched to Jackson Guitars and used them for several years until one of his guitars was stolen. He asked Jackson to make him another one, but the time-table they gave him for its production was too long (around a years time). They treated Alexi like a normal customer because the Jackson guitar company was bought out by Fender. ESP came to him and said that it would take around 3 months for his new signature model to be up and running so of course, Alexi took this offer. Thus he switched to ESP guitars, and also signed a contract with them making it so that he could only use their guitars live with Children of Bodom.
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